
Testimonials from patients 

Below are testimonials from patients of Dr. Gao, in their own words, printed with permission. Their symptoms and issues range from chronic fatigue and pain to facial palsy, sciatica, and nerve damage, and more. In addition, Dr. Gao has successfully treated patients seeking fertility treatment.

  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome & Chronic pain, numbness, fatigue
  • Nerve Injury – numbness and pain
  • Facial Palsy (Bell’s Palsy)
  • Nerve Trauma from Surgery
  • Lower Back Disk Deterioration, Sciatica, Arthritis
  • Severe Back and Neck Pain
  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Fertility issues

Patient Testimonials

Facial Palsy (Bell’s Palsy)

August 21st, 2022

Dr. Gao has worked wonders for me. The day after I was diagnosed with Facial Palsy on the left side of my face, I began seeing Dr. Gao. She fit me in only several hours after I called her, and she treated me with acupuncture and electrical stimulation multiple times a week thereafter.

In less than a month, my face recovered so well that nobody would ever know that I had experienced any facial paralysis. This is due to Dr. Gao.

Dr. Gao’s demeanor is wonderful. She’s patient, positive, thorough, and calm. I’m comfortable asking her any question. She has immense experience in neurology and acupuncture, and used this when designing my course of treatment.

I will always be grateful for Dr. Gao’s extraordinary help during my time of need.


Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, Cipro Toxicity, POTS Syndrome
October 30th, 2021

In February 2021, at age 36, I developed unbearable pain in my right ear, followed by paralysis and extreme nerve pain in my face caused by shingles, a manifestation of the virus known as “Ramsay Hunt Syndrome”. The right side of my face was frozen, I couldn’t speak, and could only eat puréed food. I was basically immobilized from fatigue and pain. In June, the shingles hit my left ear (a rare bilateral occurrence), and my inner ear balance was severely affected. I could barely stand without intense dizziness and suddenly had motion sickness in cars – something I had never experienced in my life.

All traditional doctors could offer was steroids, antivirals, and pain meds. I had had bad reactions to the antibiotic Cipro that resulted in debilitating POTS syndrome for 17 years, and did not want to be put on medications that wouldn’t help, or worse, have bad side effects.

Chiropractic relieved the pain for a few hours but not long-term.

I had read that most Ramsay Hunt patients see neurologists or acupuncturists. I didn’t want to go to a traditional neurologist who would just send me for expensive MRIs with little or no treatment. And although I had seen acupuncturists in the past, I wanted one who has a solid knowledge of the nervous system. And then an answer to prayer: a board certified neurologist and acupuncturist named Dr. Gao was less than an hour away.

I couldn’t look out the window on the car ride to my first appointment and literally crawled into her office. She was so compassionate and knowledgeable. I cannot tell you the relief it is to be treated in someone’s home instead of having to go to a sterile medical arts building. She spent a lot of time with me and then did the acupuncture treatment.

Since March, I had to keep a heating pad on the back of my head for hours to calm the pain – I haven’t used it since my first treatment. After my second treatment, I was walking upright into the appointment, after staggering in the first time. Other benefits:

More energy
Less dizzy
Talking more and more clearly
Body more relaxed, less tension and pain
Pressure inside top and back of head reduced
Able to tolerate sound more
Able to listen to podcasts and audiobooks again

I even fall asleep after treatments sometimes because my body can finally relax.

Dr. Gao is also helping with the cipro reaction side effects, a huge blessing for me, and I’m noticing improvements in my POTS symptoms too.

The best part is the relief my family and friends feel from seeing my improvement.

I’m only on my tenth treatment and look forward to many more. I’m so grateful for such care.


March 19, 2021

To whom it may concern:

My name is John and I suffered with chronic pain for the last 22 years. After two unsuccessful surgeries and many years of taking prescribed medications I decided to try acupuncture. Dr. Yan Ling Gao was highly recommended to me so I made an appointment.

To my surprise and delight Dr. Gao is treating me for my alignments and has worked miracles. My pain level has dropped dramatically and I feel like a new person.

I would highly recommend her service to anyone who would benefit from them.


September 30, 2020

Dear Dr. Gao

I want you to know that I’m in much less pain today following your treatment.  Thank you so much. I’ve had a horrible couple of months.

Debra P.

Fibromyalia, Migraines, Depression 

November 2018

Dr. Gao has been a lifesaver for me. I have been suffering with fibromyalgia, migraines, IBS, peripheral neuropathy, depression, etc. for over 20 years. I have bad muscle spasms in my neck and the base of my skull which constantly gave me severe headaches. I’ve seen so many doctors, tried many treatments and medications… nothing helped. Then I found Dr. Gao, and have had a complete turn-around since my first session. I no longer get the muscle spasms and very rarely have a “normal” headache. I can now function better now that I am no longer in severe pain. I also noticed a change in my mood, the depression has eased up. I wish I found her many years ago!!! I do continue to maintain with preventive treatments. She is a very kind and caring doctor. I recommend her to everyone!!

Laura M.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome & Chronic pain, numbness, fatigue

February 27th, 2017

I was diagnosed with GBS (Guillain-Barré Syndrome) and years after my initial battle I still suffered from constant pain and numbness on my right side. Fatigue and general exhaustion combined with fear, anger and depression all compounded my issue.

As a freelance worker in a highly competitive field my schedule demanded consistent results, and I had found that my pain had finally gotten the best of me. I could no longer focus on my tasks for any length of time, sitting at a desk for long periods of time became unbearable.

I was so happy to have found Dr. Gao, she understood my position and surprisingly she also knew about GBS. Her treatments gave me a life back, whenever I can make it in for acupuncture I notice improvements instantly, the pain dissipates, and even better the neuropathy is lessened a great deal. I also discovered that when the pain and discomfort are minimized, my anger and depression also become neutralized. I find the treatments last a long time, and I do go back whenever I get the chance for a refresher.

Because of the help Dr. Gao has provided me, pain no longer dictates my day and I feel like my horrible situation went from helpless to hopeful. She has delivered me such relief, I could never fully explain in words how she has given me a chance to live again.

Anyone who suffers from chronic pain or tingling of arms or legs please seek Dr. Yan Ling Gao’s help. I feel very fortunate to be in her care and grateful to be able to tame my lasting effects.

Peter Mullik

Nerve Injury – numbness and pain

May 9, 2014

I happily write this testimony regarding my treatment with Dr. Gao, one of the most compassionate and caring physicians/practitioners of the healing arts I have ever met. I came to Dr. Gao complaining of excruciating pain in my hands due to an injury to the nerves in my neck and arms. I had also been experiencing almost constant numbness, and both the pain and numbness interfered with my activities of daily living, (i.e. writing, driving, brushing my teeth, etc.).

After only one acupuncture treatment with Dr. Gao, I was beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel, as the symptoms began to lessen. After the second treatment, I realized this was the solution to my suffering. I can now do everything I could before the injury without going numb, and without experiencing pain in my hands.

I continue to see Dr. Gao, as she is successfully treating other chronic conditions I have suffered with for years. I am thrilled with the results of this ancient methodology for “righting” the energy flow in the body, hence bringing balance and normal function. As a neurologist and acupuncturist, Dr. Gao has a deep understanding of the origin of pain and dis-ease, and is able to precisely utilize her craft to bring restoration and calm, treating the cause not the symptom. Pain and other medical symptoms that have previously not responded to traditional Western treatment do through her gentle guidance of the small acupuncture needles. I have been recommending her to all my friends and family, and am eternally grateful for her deep devotion to her patients.

Theresa A.

Facial Palsy (Bell’s Palsy)

Dec. 1, 2013

I found out that I had lost control of the left side of my mouth while brushing my teeth in the first Friday night October, 2013. Since both my mom and one of my aunts (my mom’s sister) had facial palsy or Bell’s palsy in their lives, l realized right away what the problem is. I was very worried because neither my mom nor my aunt had a full recovery. Both my mom and my aunt have permanent disfigurement or distortion of face due to paralysis on one side of the face. For example, corners of their mouth and eyes are asymmetrical with the left side of the eyelid and corner of the mouth drooping. As the third occurrence of Bell’s palsy on the left side of the face in my family, truly I had no faith at all that I would have a full recovery. I felt very sad while thinking about having an asymmetrical face for the rest of my life while I am just in my 40’s.

Dr. Gao is a board certified neurologist and also a certified acupuncturist. After she learned that I had had a painful left side of my jaw for the past week, first she prescribed me a high dose prednisone to treat my facial nerve inflammation. Then, she started an acupuncture therapy on my left side of face right away on that Saturday.

At the same time, she explained patiently to me the mechanism of the acupuncture therapy for the treatment of Bell’s palsy. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, facial paralysis was attributed to “cold wind invasion” and deficiency of ‘qi’. ‘Qi’ refers to the vital substances comprising the human body and maintains life activities. Acupuncture, an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, helps revival of ‘qi’ by inserting fine needles into specific ‘qi’ points in human body and leads to healing. Based on her clinical experience with treating Bell’s palsy, Dr. Gao believes acupuncture treatment demonstrates effective results.

She also told me that I was very lucky to find my symptoms at this early stage of the Bell’s palsy disease. According to her experience, the early the treatment is, the more effective the treatment is and the higher rate of complete recovery is. She told me that the symptoms always starts from the bottom part of the face or mouth and goes upwards to the eyes in one side of the face. It will take about 3 to 4 days to its peak.

According to Dr. Gao, as a board certified neurologist and a certified acupuncturist, she used a combination therapy of “Traditional Western Medicine” and “Traditional Chinese Medicine”. She gave me western medicine steroid prednisone to reduce inflammation and swelling, which is believed to be the cause or mechanism of Bell’s palsy via “Traditional Western Medicine”. At the same time, she started acupuncture to improve my deficient ‘qi’, which is believed to be the cause or mechanism of Bell’s palsy via “Traditional Chinese Medicine”. In addition, for acupuncture therapy, the more often the treatment is, the more effective the therapy is, and the higher rate of complete recovery is.

I was so impressed by her knowledge and felt confident that I had seen the right doctor for Bell’s palsy treatment. Therefore, I started seeing Dr. Gao for acupuncture therapy once a day for the following four weeks. During this period, I did experience my symptom peak while I could not close my left side eyelid. However, at the same time, my mouth symptom improved a lot. I saw my wrinkles of my mouth coming back one by one day by day. By the end of my forth week acupuncture treatment, I was fully recovered. I am so happy and thankful to Dr. Gao.

I am doing this testimonial to help patients suffering from Bell’s palsy get timely and effective treatment, so that nobody will suffer any Bell’s palsy left-over complications like my mom and aunt and every patient can have a complete recovery from Bell’s palsy and live a normal life for the rest of his or her life.

Yan Ming Z.

Tenafly, NJ

Nerve Trauma from Surgery

February 2012

My husband had shoulder replacement surgery and unfortunately one side effect was nerve trauma. His whole arm was numb after the surgery. After 1 week he started regaining very slight movement in some of his fingers. He started PT and had slow increases in feeling and movement but they were minimal.

We were all relieved and delighted that after only one acupuncture treatment he could pick up and move his forearm. It was amazing and very encouraging to see. For 2-3 days after this treatment, he also had much decreased pain in the arm.

Dr. Gao’s treatment is so encouraging. My husband is telling everyone about his experience and looks forward to continuing his treatment until he regains full use of his arm and hands again.

Thank you Dr. Gao!

– Bill and Kathleen

Low Back Disk Deterioration, Sciatica, Arthritis

February 21, 2010

After 80 weekly sessions of acupuncture with Dr. Gao, I’m still standing and walking. This may not sound like an achievement, but it’s a miracle given three diagnoses of permanent doom to a wheelchair in late 2007. I took my initial step toward rehab by hiring a Personal Trainer and he initially had doubts whether he could help me. He then referred me to Dr. Gao. Like many people, I was a bit skeptical that needles were going to solve my multiple issues, including right leg nerve damage, lower back disk deterioration, sciatica, arthritic hip and chronic pain. After my first visit to Dr. Gao in May, 2008, the relief was so welcome that I made a lifetime weekly appointment for a specific hour on a specific day every week. On a personal note, she is one of the kindest and sensitive people I’ve known. My confidence in her has reached the level where I have cast off my “Park Ave” Neurologist and put my life in her capable hands. I may need to walk with assistance, but I will never need a wheelchair as long as I have Dr. Gao and her “Magic Touch”.

Sid G.

Garrison, NY

Severe Back and Neck Pain

June 25, 2009

I first came to see Dr. Gao over a year ago when I was barely able to function due to pain in my back and neck. My doctors were recommending surgery. I had been through numerous courses of anti-inflammatory drugs, including NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and steroids such as Prednisone. I also had two epidural injections and my doctors were scheduling a third. I even went to see a chiropractor, but this only made the situation worse.

Within six acupuncture sessions with Dr. Gao, my pain was gone and I regained full function in my legs. I continue to see Dr. Gao every three weeks and my pain is under control. I am also off of all medications.

I must admit, initially I was very doubtful that acupuncture could help me since I tried everything my doctors suggested, without success. However, my vastly improved condition and health is absolute proof of the healing powers of acupuncture. I am eternally grateful that I found Dr. Gao and I will continue to be a patient of hers.

Christopher W.

Croton on Hudson, NY

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue

February 19, 2010

My name is Kristin and I suffer from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue and all that those two illnesses entail – loss of energy, weakness, pain, pain and more pain. These diseases made it impossible for me to get out of bed let alone commute to New York City where I work as an attorney.

Fibromyalgia involves different pain depending on the person. For me, as it does for many, it traveled throughout my body so I could never really measure it or “catch” it and then settled in several places, Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia mean that you are weak, have no energy, suffer from pain that disables you which creates anxiety and more exhaustion and, weakness and pain and so on. Most people suffering from these illnesses are on a battery of medicines. Thanks to Dr. Gao, I am not.

After, months of excruciation pain almost all over my body and debilitating fatigue, I came to Dr. Gao. While it take multiple visits for a few weeks, after a while the pain began to subside until eventually it has disappeared. Unfortunately, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue never really go away. But, now, on the very rare occasions their symptoms return (and never at their past, full potential), this is only the case for a day or so because Dr. Gao is able to stop their progression.

Since Dr. Gao has literally cured me, I have committed to my acupuncture sessions regularly, and I truly believe that these visits have kept the illnesses tally under control and am back to my normal active and health life without all the medicines most people with these illnesses are forced to take. Well, I believe the acupuncture and the genuine caring and support of Dr. Gao and her husband, Mr. Han really done the trick. And so do many friends of mine who also receive acupuncture from Dr. Gao.

Kristin B.

Garrison, NY